Regulations on performance of work, section 17-2 states that those who are building scaffolding in height 2-5 meters must have documented training. This course covers the theoretical part of the training and complies with current regulations and NS 9700-1: 2016. You can take the course as it suits you, take breaks and return to where you where before the pause. If stuck, you can send internal messages to the course administrator. Apart from Lesson 1, each lesson ends with 8 Multiple choice questions that must be answered correctly to proceed. This means that the course has 40 questions in total.


Law and training (2-5)

Section 3-1 of the Working Environment Act deals with organizations’ requirements for systematic health, environmental and safety work (hereinafter referred to as HSE work). This work is further explained in the Internal Control Regulations. All links in this course point to the Norwegian editions of the legislation. Cited texts from laws and regulations will be […]

Risk assessment and securing of the workplace (2-5)

The construction industry is a major industry which comprises 227,000 people. The industry is complicated and it is particularly challenging to do good HSE work to prevent accidents and health loads. Fall accidents are the type of accident that occurs most often in this industry, and is also the type of accident that causes the […]

Types of scaffolding, inspection and maintenance (2-5)

Scaffolding is a temporary work platform. Modern scaffolding is based on modular systems that can be built on several floors and sections side by side. Often, there are anchors in the object to which the scaffold is mounted until, for enhanced stability. History Scaffolding has a long history and has played a very central role […]

Protective measures and fall protection (2-5)

In connection with the work being done on the roof of the traffic station in Drammen, a worker was taken picture of on a roof without fall protection. The image was sent to Drammen Tidende, which made a case. – This does not look fine. Here he stands without any kind of fall protection or […]

Requirements and calculations (2-5)

There is a lot to think about when building a scaffolding. We have previously pointed out that a risk assessment must be done in advance of the construction and that the building itself must be planned. Good planning increases both the security and profitability of a project. It’s costly and time consuming to have to […]