Environment, health and safety is about creating a safe and healthy workplace. It is the manager who has the primary responsibility to ensure that this happens. The working environment act, section 3-5, requires the employer to undergo training in health, environment and safety (HSE). The duty of education applies to leaders. It says in section 3-5 (2) that “the Ministry may in regulations provide more detailed requirements for the training.” Such regulations do not exist, but the labour Inspection authority (Arbeidstilsynet) has prepared a guidance on what should be included in the training. This course is based on this guide. The courses are always up to date.


The working environment

Employers duties The employer has responsibility for their employees and should ensure that the provisions of the Working Environment Act will be kept. § 2-1. The employer also has a responsibility for the employees who is hired or is independent, but that perform work tasks in connection to the company. The employer should then: ensure […]

Worktime and conditions of employment

Worktime and employment Definitions: Worktime refers to the time the employee is to the disposition of the employer. Time off refers to the time the employee is not indicated to the disposition of the employer § 10-1. The Working Environment Act sets clear limits for how long one can work and how the workingtime is […]

Internal Control Regulations

We have been looking at The Work Act and the most important rules for you as an employer. Work Act has a special position, but there are also several other laws you need to deal with. On regelhjelp.no you can enter your registration number and get listed the laws that apply to your particular business. […]